Monday 3 October 2016

A Dipict short that I like

I really like this short film called A2024 by David Castro Gonzalez. The short shows a Police Officer in full riot gear sitting against a wall, panicking and crying as riots rage around him. I really like this because it shows a different perspective of the Police Force as we have shown via Media sources that Police Officers are trained to handle dangerous situations such as riots so we fit the stereotype all Police Officers and tough and can withstand pressure so to see an Officer breaking down in such a dangerous situation makes you realize just how much pressure the Police Force have to go through when scenarios like this happen and how they have to get the situation under control to prevent further dangers to society.

I really like how the camera starts off as a close up of the Officer's panic stricken face to show his emotion and then the camera slowly zooms out to reveal the reason for his breakdown and the danger around him which represents chaos and destruction, so because of this, it makes the scene very powerful. I also really like the low key lighting because it sets the mood of a dark, violent atmosphere which suits the style of the film David created.

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